I am struck by Weston’s thoughtful and articulate weaving of social and psychological theory and storytelling with the needed work of healing the soul.
— Tim

Navigating the Threshold


Navigating the Threshold is a multi-session program designed for individuals or groups that are currently caught up in, or would like to create the environment necessary for, transformative change in their lives, organizations, and or communities. Though the program is custom-tailored to meet the needs of each individual and or group the overarching goal is the same: to offer tools and structures that can help shape the catalytic energy that comes with change and direct it towards individual and social healing and transformation.

Using both ancient and cutting-edge transformative templates in conjunction with various self expressive, creative, and reflective developmental tools and practices, we work with participants to channel the raw energy of change in a direction that can bring about new understandings and insights into one’s gifts and how those gifts can be of service to support the healing and transformation of the larger living systems of which we are a part—family, community, planet, cosmos. Through the proper integration of these insights and understandings a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, and belonging often begins to emerge for participants.

I continually find myself hearing Weston’s words run through my mind years after any programming together. He has an uncanny ability to get to the root of the issue while providing tools to lead me to the next step
— Peery


The arc of this program is structured on Theory U by Otto Scharmer, a senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, which explores how individuals and groups can best tap into the creative impulse to catalyze generative change. The U Process incorporates three steps: 1) letting go, 2) sensing, and 3) actualizing.  This template also echoes the ancient threefold structure of initiatory processes found in many different cultures across the planet: severance, threshold, and reincorporation.

PREPARATION: The first three to four sessions are preparatory. They are meant to stir the interior soil and help individuals feel into their leading edge: what is ready to be let go of and what is ready to be embodied in fuller forms in one’s self, work, and relationships?


THRESHOLD: The middle session marks the threshold or liminal space. This is the space of ceremony, betwixt and between what one was and what one is becoming. This session is co-designed by the facilitator and the participant and can take many different forms including but not limited to: a solo hike in the woods from sunrise to sunset, a two-day solo-fast, a dance, meditation, or yoga retreat, a stretch of solo-traveling, or simply distraction free reflective solo-time at home. What is important is that one finds respite from their daily routines and obligations to sink into a contemplative space where the analytical mind can rest and the emotional, somatic, soulful, and imaginative intelligences can step forward to guide the process of discovery.

REINCORPORATION: The final three to four sessions then deal with the challenge and privilege of reincorporation. How to take the insights gleaned from the threshold space and plant them back in one’s life, work, and relationships in ways that germinate positive individual and collective transformation.


Facilitation: This program can be offered online or in person, or a combination of both. Each session is an hour long. The general arc of this program is consistent for every participant; however, the tools and methodologies used are often co-created to fit the needs of the individual or group, especially concerning the fourth session.

Cost: The cost of this program is $900 for individuals and $600 per person for groups (group programming does include weekly one-on-one phone coaching sessions). Also, depending on the type of session co-created for the middle/liminal session that price may increase. For those that can’t afford the current pricing, still get in touch with us as we may have some scholarship funding available.

To schedule a free consultation reach out to us at info@pathwaystoresilience.net.



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Weston Pew is the founder and director of Pathways to Resilience. He is a certified counselor, adult educator, guide, and facilitator who holds three MA’s: one in experiential education, one in counseling, and one in depth psychology. For the past nine years he has been cultivating transformational containers for individuals and groups that weave together the body, heart, mind, and spirit to support healing and growth. When he is not working for Pathways he works part-time counseling and facilitating psycho-educational workshops for Cancer Lifeline in Seattle, Washington.